All About Persian Instruments

Every country has its art. The basis of this art's difference lies in the tastes of the people of the region. When the feelings are different, the art they produce is various. For instance, when Persian music is mentioned, a rhythm comes to our ears even if we do not know anything. That is since the musical culture of every nation has been transferred from generation to generation over the years.

The origin of the music we call Iranian music is based on the Persian empire, so it is not wrong to say Persian music. In line with the developments in the 20th century, social changes have started at every level of society. Persians have started to play new Persian instruments by developing their musical culture.

Persian instruments are classified into three categories: classical, western, and folk. The tone and characteristics of the musical instrument in each category are different.

What Are Persian Instruments?


It is possible to say that music has existed since the beginning of humanity, but more important than the existence of music was to find a musical instrument used to perform music. In ancient times, it can be said that technology was not as developed as it is today, or even it did not exist at all. As such, people started to produce musical instruments even from a piece of wood with their efforts. Even back then, each musical instrument had its unique style, design, and sound. Some musical instruments were stringed, some percussion. People started to make new sounds by carving pieces of wood and saying different things.

The most well-known musical instruments that come to mind when Iran is mentioned are:


Tanbur (Tambour), a Persian musical instrument, is made of mulberry wood. It has a long neck and a pear-like shape. It is three or four millimeters thick, made of a layer of wood mulberry that allows the sound to come out. It has holes that provide different sounds to come out. The drum has four strings and fourteen chromatic frets.


Setar has two steel and two brass wires. The setar, a Persian musical instrument, has 25-26 frets on its keyboard. Setar is produced from mulberry wood, below normal conditions, its length is 85x20 cm. Setar is a sensitive musical instrument. It is played directly with nails a plectrum is not needed.


Santour is a Persian musical instrument popular with all age groups because of the notes it has. Santour has 72 strings. The high number of strings indicates that the santour is a versatile Iranian musical instrument. The strings are in groups of four supported by a wooden bridge.


The Iranian kamancheh is played with a single-stringed bow and has four metal strings. In shape, it resembles a wooden hemisphere with a long handle. Usually, the wooden hemisphere is involved with a sheepskin membrane.


It is a hollow instrument like a drum. A single piece of wood is composed the cavity is hollow. The top of the board is involved with a goatskin or sheepskin membrane. It has softer treble notes than other drums.


In the 20th century, this musical instrument was used by Sufis in Iran. It is large, round, and very thin, like a drum. It is so common in Iran today.

Persian ney

Woodwind is a Persian musical instrument. It is a knotted flute with six finger holes. Sounds emerge when the air is blown from the Ney. Although it may seem difficult at first, it turns out to be very simple after meticulous work.


It is an old instrument, one of the first wind instruments in Iran. Each reed of this instrument has 5 to 7 holes.

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All About Persian Instruments


Persian musical instruments have a wide range and ethnic diversity. Iran has a variety of musical instruments. Today, nations in different regions of Iran still make and use musical instruments that differ in their construction and sound theme.

Various musical features and instruments are found in regions of Iran thanks to their lifestyles and accessible facilities. Although some Iranian instruments have been released over time, traditional musical instruments have influenced and inspired many regions.

Most of these instruments have a vocal range of 2.5 octaves. The performance of these instruments is higher and faster than the human voice.

Persian Instruments For Sale

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