All About Zurna

Music is a universal language. Music is both an interpreter of our emotions and motivates us psychologically. We find ourselves in rhythms and melodies. There are many musical instruments today, but each individual's interest may be different. The most important thing is to be able to find the inner me thanks to the instrument we are interested in. Each region has a musical instrument that has been handed down from generation to generation and preserved its identity. When we see that musical instrument, we begin to think about where it belongs, how it is played, and what kind of timbre it has in our minds. The history of the emergence of musical instruments dates back to ancient times. Since technology was not very advanced in ancient times, people started to produce, and play instruments by utilizing existing opportunities. For example, the zurna has an early history. It is an important musical instrument that is frequently used in folk dances and weddings and is still mentioned.

What Is Zurna?


Zurna is a widely used musical instrument in Turkey. The zurna consists of three parts: head, mouth, and middle. Today, there are metal zurna, wooden zurna, or zurna made of reed. The zurna has a much louder sound than other musical instruments. We usually see the zurna playing along with the drum. The zurna has three different types according to size and tone of voice. These varieties are also called coarse zurna, medium-coarse zurna, and zil zurna. Zurna can be produced from many tree species such as juniper, ash, dogwood, boxwood, willow, plum, mulberry, linden, and walnut. The length of the zurna should be at least 300 millimeters and at most 317 millimeters. A fork is attached to the head of his body. This tong is attached to edit the root register of the musical instrument.

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The History Of Zurna


The zurna has an essential place in Turkish folklore, folk music, and plays. When it first emerged, the zurna was known as an ethnographic instrument that did not comply with acoustic laws, did not comply with acoustic laws, and had an ethnographic feature, but it has a much more essential position today. Since the opportunities have increased, it has started to be produced in factories. The zurna is one of our wind instruments. The history of Zurna dates back to Central Asia. It is possible to see the zurna in many cultures, but both its appearance and name may be different.


How To Play Zurna


There are seven holes in total on the zurna. The 6 of them are in the upper part, the remaining hole is in the lower section. The left hand of the person who will play the zurna should cover the holes in the top and the right hand the holes in the bottom. The person who wants to play the zurna adjusts the sound output and timbre by opening and closing the holes on the instrument by blowing through the "sipsi" in the mouth. While playing the zurna, one should never stop breathing. The sound of the zurna comes out with tremors. In short, playing the Zurna is not that easy. The person who plays the zurna should do his breathing well.

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