How To Replace Qanun Strings Easily

The Kanun is an indispensable musical instrument in both Middle Eastern countries and Turkey. The history of the qanun dates back to ancient times. There are many types of law. These varieties differ by region. That difference is only in the number of wires. Having a large number of qanun strings never affects the sound, the only difference being that it gives the musician more options.


The qanun, which is in the qanun string instruments group, has a pleasant sound and timbre. His voice is soothing. The tuning process must be done meticulously to get a beautiful sound from the instrument. Tuning is the most significant point in qanun string instruments. The chord law is also a detail that should not be ignored for the instrument to produce the desired sound, and the qanun is a problematic instrument in tuning. If an instrument is out of tune, the desired sound can never be achieved in string instruments. So how to change qanun knees easily. You can continue reading our article for detailed information on the subject.


How To Replace Qanun Strings Step By Step






Qanun's voice can often be described as earthy, but still evokes trance-like angelic tones. The qanun strings are broken with plectrums on both index fingers and fixed with rings on the fingers. Due to an innate percussion quality in its timbre, the player's attack produces a sound that quickly peaks and then ends in a slow decline; creating a harp-like effect that resonates deep within your soul. Making qanuns is no simple task, even for a well-rounded luthier. There is a bitter gap when it comes to finding enough literary materials to build such a complex instrument. In my case, it came in the form of a disaster.


Things To Consider When Replacing Qanun Strings






If you want to change the position of the knees while playing the qanun, there are some criteria you should pay attention to. Choosing an instrument like qanun can be difficult. The consequences of choosing an amateur instrument in good condition or a poor quality instrument in the worst case can be dire.


So what are the tricks of looking for the qanun? How will we know how to choose one?


The qanun is a complex instrument. Unwanted sounds may come from many parts of the instrument. Make sure the sound is good without any surprises by testing each arm. When buying online make sure you get it from a reliable source, make sure they have thoroughly tested qanun.


It is significant what material the Qanunu is made of. Spruce, sycamore, beech, hornbeam, or linden trees can be used. One of the biggest features of Qanunu is that it is produced using different trees. Therefore, the construction phase is quite detailed. To change qanun strings, it is necessary to play qanun professionally.


As Sala Muzik, we aim to provide you with the best service. Follow us to learn more about the instrument in the Middle East, view our products, and buy. 



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