Tips for Purchasing a Good Cumbus

The existence of music dates back thousands of years. Humans have designed instruments for entertainment. Since the technology was not as advanced as it is today, they made musical instruments from trees, logs, and animal skins. Technology is developing day by day, and our opportunities are increasing. That makes it easier to make many musical instruments. Today, there are many criteria that we need to know to buy an adequately musical instrument. So what do you need to know about purchasing cumbus?

The cumbus instrument is quite entertaining. Continue reading our article to learn the criteria you need to know about purchasing cumbus.

Why Is It Important To Choose The Right Cumbus?    


This question is important, what should you pay attention to when choosing a cümbüş there are many situations that you need to pay attention to purchasing cumbus.

The more bass-toned revels will attract you more in the future. Even though they all seem the same to you, especially at first, you will be able to understand the difference after learning a little.


Keys To Purchase a Good Cumbus 


Cümbüş (Cumbush or Cumbus) is a stringed instrument with an aluminum body and a skin soundboard. It bears its maker’s, Zeynel Abidin Cümbüş’s surname, which is given by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. Zeynel Abidin Cümbüş developed this instrument in 1930s. Actually, “cümbüş” means fun and revelry in Turkish. When you see a standard cümbüş, you will notice that it looks like and even sounds like an American banjo. All types of cümbüş generate a metallic timbre.

Other than standard cümbüş, you will find in our catalog the long-necked cümbüş which is played with a bow and called sazbüş (sazbus). Under the cümbüş category, you will also notice cümbüş with walnut and maple body, electric cümbüş, cura, long-neck, and sort-necked sazbüş, and cümbüş ukulele.

You should definitely get confirmation that you will not have trouble with tuning. Because the revels are guitar twists. Because of this, sometimes the mechanism is licking and out of tune, which will be troublesome for you.

You should be careful that there are no traces and tears on the skin of the festoon. Because the skin from which the actual sound comes out is a plastic film. Animal lesson etc. It can be torn because it is not, so you should look carefully. You have to be careful that the strings of the 12-stringed maze are not missing.

Find your Cumbus in Sala Music      


As Sala Music, we are pleased to guide you about every musical instrument you are interested in or play. Do not hesitate to visit our store in Istanbul or view the festivity in our catalog on our website. We believe that you will find the most suitable entertainment for you here at the most affordable price.

As Sala Muzik, we aim to provide you with the best service. Follow us to learn more about the instrument in the Middle East, view our products, and buy.

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